Thursday, April 26, 2012

Almost Gone!

April 28th is almost here! Our team of 12 will be leaving for Haiti this Saturday!

In the week leading up to a trip like this, you can imagine our team is full of anticipation. There are the "To Dos" we each have to cram into 4 short days; packing, immunizations, and loose ends at work. There are the nerves about flying to a country that some of us have never been to: lost luggage, language barriers, and foreign customs. But these don't come close the anticipation we have for what God has waiting for us in Haiti. We are praying and know God will use this experience to make an impactful difference in our lives and in our relationship with Him. God is capable of teaching, showing, and blessing us in ways we cannot imagine as we run around and prepare in Charlotte this week.

Mission of Hope (MOH) is doing amazing things in Haiti. Through the church, school, orphanages, hospital, and nutrition programs, MOH cares and provides for adults, childrens, and orphans. As an organization following Jesus Christ, MOH exists to bring life transformation to every man, woman, and child in Haiti. That is the vision and MOH is leaving a very distinct footprint on the country of Haiti. The impact this organization is having, and will continue to have, will change the country. Through MOH, God is nuturing the future spiritual, political, and social leaders of Haiti!

What MOH is doing for the country of Haiti is a big deal and we get to have small part in it! It is an opportunity and experience that we are very blessed to have and humbled to be a part of.

We expect to experience humility in a country in such dire need as Haiti. Most of us probably did not expect to be absolutely blessed and humbled by the generousity, prayers, and support of our family, friends, and co workers. Your involvement has truly encouraged us and God has used every token to prepare and fuel our hearts. Thank you! God has His hand on this trip and has given us each a gift and purpose. Every prayer you pray and dollar you give has the same deliberate purpose.
